Thursday 6th April, Planning Forum: Conservation Areas
The Society’s Annual Planning Forum will take place on at 6.30 pm on Thursday 6th April at The Methodist Church, St Edmund’s Church Street, Salisbury SP1 1EF. This year’s forum will be on the theme of conservation areas, and Civic Voice suggests a focus on them for Civic Days. The Society’s own Civic Day on Saturday 17th June will include an exhibit on conservation areas within our region, probably with a particular focus on the Salisbury one, and devoting the Planning Forum to them links in neatly with that intention. The forum will cover both the qualities which make a built area worthy of conservation area status, and the effects of that status, in terms of what particular constraints and controls it imposes.
The forum will be held at the Methodist Church, St Edmund’s Church Street, Salisbury SP1 1EF. Doors open at 6.00pm with the meeting starting at 6.30pm.
The evening is free to members with a charge of £2.50 for non members.