Next week is the AGM 2018 – Weds 6th June
The Salisbury Civic Society will hold its 2018 Annual General Meeting (AGM) in the Methodist Church Hall, St Edmunds Church Street, Salisbury, SP1 1EF on Wednesday 6th June 2018 commencing at 6.30pm. The meeting will be followed by a talk on Suburban Salisbury by Hadrian Cook.
We need your help to ensure the future of the Salisbury Civic Society.
We need at least 42 members of the Society to attend the AGM or we cannot agree necessary changes to the Society’s governing document (Constitution) and elect the Trustees and officers we need to operate the Society.
Please join us at the AGM to help ensure the future of the Salisbury Civic Society.
If you plan to attend the AGM, please email the Honorary Secretary at to let him know. Thank you to all those Members who have emailed him already.
The Salisbury Civic Society’s Constitution was adopted in 2002 and has been overtaken by significant changes in legislation and the use of electronic communication. This is making it increasingly difficult and more expensive for the Trustees to manage the Society and deliver its charitable purposes effectively and efficiently. To change the Society’s Constitution, we need at least 42 members of the Society to attend the AGM or we cannot agree necessary changes to the Society’s Constitution.
Society Trustees and Officers – Nominations
If you wish to be a candidate for a position as a Society Trustee or an Officer, you need to complete and return a nomination form to the Secretary preferably by 23 May 2018 and no later than 4 Jun 2018. In addition to your own signature, the nomination form requires the signature of a proposer and seconder, both of whom must be Society members. You may post or email your nomination form to the Society Secretary, ensuring that all names and signatures are clearly legible. Please note that at the AGM each candidate will be required briefly to state their reason for standing for election as a Trustee or an Officer.
Please email Barrie Sinclair-Kemp if you need further information or you wish to discuss the proposed changes to our Constitution, volunteering as a Society Trustee or Officer or anything else.
Barrie Sinclair-Kemp
Honorary Secretary Salisbury Civic Society