Studio at Farthing Cottage, Stratford sub Castle

Creation of a studio at the listed cottage was based on the prior existence of a small barn next to it, important because its rendered front wall, of cob, and thatched roof formed part of the roadside elevation of the whole group, but not otherwise having any particular merit. The cob was found to have failed, and the wall had to be rebuilt. Behind it, an oak frame formed the basis of the new studio, with large areas of glazing creating much of the walling. The judges decided that the effect of the new work was entirely positive. The important roadside elevation retained its contribution to the group, unaffected by the new building being somewhat longer than the old one, and behind it the new oak structure complemented the listed building very well. Internally, the single space created was clearly ideal for its purpose, the restoration of paintings. High levels of insulation under the thatch reduced the energy needs of the studio, and the glass infill to the framing took maximum advantage of natural daylight. The judges felt that the whole project had been designed and executed in an exemplary manner, and were delighted to give it a commendation.
Designer: Roger Eldridge, Alton