St Mary Magdalen Hospital, Wilton

Prominently located by the major roundabout on the A36, St Mary Magdalen Hospital is an almshouse previously in the care of the Wilton Estate. Its transfer to the Salisbury City Almshouse and Welfare Charities had seen major works carried out, in order to bring the facilities up to the standard needed for C21st almshouses, and to add additional units. Externally, the original building had been upgraded particularly in terms of its windows and stonework, with the latter having needed some small replacements together with mortar repairs and light-touch cleaning and shelter-coating, the whole amounting to a conservation project which had clearly been very well-executed. Internally, new staircases had seen the units given better access for those of sometimes limited mobility, while before photos showed the extent to which bathroom and kitchen facilities, in particular, had seen major improvements. The judges also liked the way in which the interior faces of the stone windows had been stabilised, but left exposed and with their characters intact. To the north, a new annexe had created six more units, in a style which respected that of the original building, without attempting to compete with it, and with interiors clearly attractive to the residents. Overall, the improvements achieved by the project were felt by the judges to be certainly something which deserved recognition.
Designer: Stephen Linard, Netherhampton
Photo: Andy Munt