Conversion of Donhead St Andrew former village school into two houses

This Victorian building, mainly in stone with some brickwork, had seen the creation of two residences. Respect for the original design led to these being of unequal size, one of two bedrooms and one of three, and this respect was obvious throughout. Repairs to fabric necessitated by the removal of an attached toilet block, itself a major gain, had clearly been carried out very well. Insertion of stairs into full-height spaces had been very skilfully executed, retaining some sense of the original character while still providing upstairs accommodation. Frameless glazed balustrading had been a key technique, minimising the impact of the stairs and also enabling the windows to continue to light all the spaces. The judges were particularly impressed by the way this had been done, with the new floors kept back from the windows and safety ensured through unobtrusive glass panels. They were also impressed by the carbon-neutral energy standards achieved, and by the now obligatory creation of fire escape routes, which might have impacted clumsily on the windows, but in fact had been achieved through new openings, which internally just look like cupboards. The interiors all have a contemporary feel, while still being sympathetic to the historic fabric, and the fact that the school might have become an expensive single dwelling as originally consented, but had actually been turned into homes at a reasonable rent for local people, for a charitable trust, was particularly applauded. This was clearly a very well considered and executed project.
Architects: The Classic Architecture Company, Wilton
Photo: The Classic Architecture Company