Celebrating our Heritage Enhancing our Environment Shaping our Future

Committee Members

Patron:  Dame Rosemary Spencer DCMG
President: Peter Dunbar
Chair:  Stephanie Siddons Deighton
Vice Chair: Rosemary Spencer

Executive:   The Trustees are responsible for overall policy and activities of the Society and its financial management, meeting by-monthly.  SCS members interested in attending a meeting please contact Rosemary Pemberton rosemary.pemberton@hotmail.co.uk

Stephanie Siddons Deighton
Rosemary Pemberton (Secretary)
Adrian Harris (Treasurer)
Richard Deane
Judy Howles
Jamie Hobson

Development & Planning:  Concerned with the maintenance and improvement of our environment, responding to planning and development proposals and encouraging architectural projects of quality through its Conservation and New Buildings Awards.   Meetings are monthly, SCS members interested in attending a meeting should contact Richard Deane rdeane@madasafish.com
Paul Stevens – Acting Chair
Richard Deane – Secretary
Nicola Lipscombe – SAGP (Salisbury Area Greenspace Partnership)
Leslie Lipscombe – SAGP  (Salisbury Area Greenspace Partnership)
Hans-Dieter Scholz – Salisbury Cathedral Close Preservation Society
Heidi Poole – CPRE
Elaine Milton – Heritage & Planning
John Comparelli
Michael Lyons
Louise Salman
Melanie Latham
James Salman
Emily Way

Events: The  group  arrange events to inform and promote our key aims, Pride in our HERITAGE, Enhancing our ENVIRONMENT and Shaping our FUTURE,  through the installation of historic blue plaques;  liaison with fellow Civic Societies; arranging talks;  planning visits to places of current and historical architectural and social interest; organising walks and tours; participation in the National Heritage Open Day programme.   Meetings take place bi-monthly.  Suggestions for events  or if you would like  to join a meeting contact Judy Howles  howles@ntlworld.com

Chair – Judy Howles
Lectures – Jamie Hobson
Visits – Hadrian Cook
Walks – Hadrian Cook
Heritage Open Days – Janet Draper
Heritage Open Days – Paul Draper

Publicity – Vacant
Website, Eventbrite, IT – Julie Smith
Social Media – Vacant
Acting Editor – Richard Deane
Design & Layout – Melanie Latham

The work of the Society is supported entirely by the subscriptions of the membership and all its officers are unpaid.

The Society is registered with Civic Voice, the national charity for the civic movement in England.
Charity Registration No 293143