The History of Salisbury Pubs and Inns
There were 68 attendees, including 14 non- members at the latest Salisbury Civic Society’s lecture Thursday 9th November, 2017 given by Ed Garman on “The history of Salisbury’s Inns and Public Houses”. Ed has undertaken extensive research on some 270 premises in Salisbury of all periods that are or have been inns, alehouses, taverns, public houses and beerhouses. His book “The Public Houses and Inns of Salisbury: a history” was published in July by Hobnob Press. The lecture appealed to an audience interested in Salisbury’s varied social history and its pubs and inns and there was lively discussion and questions. Ed’s only regret was that shortage of time had meant he did not include the Haunch of Venison but he hopes to extend the talk another time!